Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gay Life in Rural Vermont

So here we are in rural Vermont.  Giving advice to everyone and their brother about gay relationships.  

Many gay people who shudder at the thought of living so remotely:  45 minutes to the nearest fortress of box stores -- Wal-Mart, groceries, K-Mart, etc.  Many gay people would fear that they would be alone.

Guess what?  

Straight people -- single -- or couples -- are alone -- in rural areas.

We have community.

I am on the Fire Department. A volunteer.   I am connected and feel support from other people on the Department.  They could care less that I am gay.

I am the Town Constable.  I am a Lister with the Town.  Both are elected positions.

We live on 110 acres of remote forest land.  We own a tractor, an excavator, 2 guns, 2 dogs, 2 potbellied pigs and 3 chickens (we had more but they were taken out by a fox this summer). 

We have no cable TV or Internet access -- if you want it in our town the only way to get it is through satellite.

I am a vegetarian.  My partner is not.

(He smokes cigarettes.  I go hiking --

We struggle -- like anyone struggles in this world today -- but we are happy.

Isn't that all we can expect out of life?

I hope you are happy.

If you are not, give me a call at 802-380-1026 and lets talk about how you can get your bearings and get going!